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It’s the End of 2020… and Covid is Still a Thing.

How do you know if you should head back to Doctor’s office or not?

I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time the other day. Literally ran into him as he was finishing a trail run and I was starting one from the same location. He and his wife are physical therapists. They have their own private practice. I asked him how it was going and for him and his wife how it was going depended on how safe the clients feel coming into the office. For the clients it is a delicate balance, is the pain they are sufferning worth the risk of leaving their homes? For many back in April, it was not worth the risk, but now as they are getting worse it is.

New clients also need to determine if their current situation is worth coming into the office. This is where virtual care comes in. We discussed the idea of an initial visit with a prospective or returning client to determine if an in person appointment would be necesssary. He and his wife could even get the client started with some at home exercises to see if that helps them begin to feel relief. I got them set up with a free trial account to try it out.

Currently, because of emergency restrictions being lifted due to Covid, using Telehealth for this purpose is almost universally allowed. Providers and their organizations can get reimbursed as if they were meeting in person. At Secure Telehealth , we are closely monitoring reimbursement policies and will continue to do so. Anyone is welcome to contact us for advice about what may or may not be covered. We are happy to help and will continue to strive to be a resource for all of you when it comes to providing the latest news and information in the world of medical technologies. Contact us today with any questions at all!

Doctors offices and urgent care centers are doing their best to keep all of their staff and patients safe from Covid-19. A virtual appointment in advance will help people know whether or not they need to be seen in person. We can help.
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Dan Mountain

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